With that set aside, what better way to get this ball rolling than to present to you this duo who has dedicated their time and effort, in their own crazy ways, to promote Philippine tourism and overall good vibes over the internet. Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the GOOD LIFE CREW PH!
Spearheaded by the eccentric duo Paolo Templanza and Paulo Prieto, armed with their trusty GoPros, they travel across the Philippine islands, documenting their adventures, spreading good vibes and all that jazz that comes with it!
I've known these guys for a long time now (literally, Pao all the way from high school, Pau from college and so on..) and trust me, this ain't no gimmick! These guys embody what good life is all about! From their laid back demeanour, severe knack for adventure, I'm telling you, this is as legit as it can be.
Their latest undertaking is a 4-part mini Philippine tour documenting their 16 days on the road, travelling from the beaches and mountains of Luzon, all the way down south of the archipelago!
To know more about them, hit up http://facebook.com/glcph or much better, go hit up Youtube and subscribe to their channel http://www.youtube.com/user/goodlifecrewph.
Here's the first part of the 4 part Mini Philippine tour! Enjoy!
salamat tol!
TumugonBurahinwalang anuman tol!